Brand: Chomps DIY Mouthguards

We may have hung up our boots, but never our passion

Tom and Phil both played footy on different sides of the globe. So, for a couple of ex-union players who hung up their boots years ago, we literally jumped at the opportunity to conceptualise and create a new mouthguard brand that genuinely protects our sportspeople and kids against dental injuries, while allowing them to flourish by participating in the sports they love.

We tackled the brand name creation by creating a long and then a shirt list of potential names. We then did our due diligence on what we could trademark, and we ended up with a clear winner – CHOMPS.
Brand Identity
We needed to create an energetic and inspiring brand, one that connects with our target market across many different sports.
Creative campaign
It’s not often you get to tackle a brand from the ground up
So we rolled up our sleeves, rubbed on the proverbial liniment, sniffed the smelling salts, and got to work.
A fun and playful tonality ran through each and every execution.
So we rolled up our sleeves, rubbed on the proverbial liniment, sniffed the smelling salts, and got to work.
Print production
Digital execution