Brand: LifeHealthcare

LifeHealthcare is one of Australia’s leading MedTech companies

Since 2019, Forte has been working closely with LifeHealthcare, helping to build and evolve their brand design and their in-house design capabilities.

One of the first communications we tackled was  the LifeHealthcare Orthopaedics revision knee portfolio

The key insight is that revision knee surgery is never simple. Each case is unique, requiring careful planning and meticulous execution. LifeHealthcare is a MedTech company that's right by the surgeon's side to help find a way through difficult.

What matters to you,
drives us.

Forte was tasked with developing a strategic positioning for the spine division, and after conducting face-to-face workshops with key stakeholders, we landed with ‘What matters to you, drives us’ as the overarching positioning for the division, with a series of ‘hero’ advertising campaigns to bring this strategy to life focusing on different target audiences.
Just as LifeHealthcare keeps evolving and improving, so must their brand.
One such project was the 2023
vision booklet
These days print usually plays second fiddle to digital, so it was so refreshing to create a tactile piece of communication that had a premium feel, making it highly retainable.
Creative campaign
Copy writing
Print production
Creative campaign
Copy writing
Print production
Digital execution